I got them into a stall in the barn and made sure they were okay. They were already dried but the tails on two of them were frozen and I expect may fall off due to frost bite. I tried to warm in my hands but it could have been too late.
After a day it was clear that the ewe, named Girlie, was not producing enough milk for all three lambs so I went to the feed store and bought a bag of lamb milk replacement formula which cost around $50.00. I also bought more nipples for the bottles.
Two of the three lambs, the one in front is not being bottle fed, the one in back is. |
I am currently bottle feeding two of the three lambs at least three times a day, four if I am home from work. Unfortunately the weather only got worse, we have a huge amount of snow now and the temperature fell to -34 C (including windchill) which is about the same as -29 F.
The lambs are doing okay and I am monitoring the other ewes as well, it looks like 3 of them are pregnant too, so we have started giving them extra rations and bringing them in the barn for the night too (mind you with the cold temperatures I would have started to bring them in the barn at night anyhow).